ABOUT US / 关于我们
FRIENDEVER INTERNATIONAL, Headquarters localed in Hong Kong, has branches in Shenzhen, China, Singapore, Malaysia. Links in Germany, Europ, America. Focus in various active components (IC integrated circuits, storage chips, two, tri -pipes, etc.) and passive components (capacitors, resistance, inductance, etc.) and electromechanical components (connectors, switching devices), etc. We are both the original authorized agent and also the flexible fast-operated inventory supply. hope can establish long-term cooperation with gloabl OEM / OBM manufactures, Global Factories, EMS(Electronics Manufacturing Service) supplier and Desion House (solution supplier). Let's grow together and be the leader of our indurstry.
深圳市名禾科技有限公司,总部位于香港,FRIENDEVER INTERNATIONAL 深圳分公司,是亚太地区领先的电子元器件混合型分销商,渠道遍布新加坡、马来西亚、德国、欧洲和美国等等。经营各类主动元件( IC集成电路,存储芯片,二、三极管等)和被动元件(电容,电阻,电感等)及机电元件(连接器,开关器件)等。既有原厂授权代理,也有操作灵活快捷的现货供应。力争不断扩展电子元器件市场,我们服务原始设备制造商(OEM),原始品牌生产商(OBM),电子产品合约生产商,EMS(Electronics Manufacturing Service)提供商以及方案设计商(Design House)提供全面的电子元器件供应链解决方案。